National Publicity Summit – National Publicity Summit

Because we've taken the National Publicity Summit online, you can now meet 75+ media without going anywhere!

Want National Publicity For Your Book, Business or Cause?

Here's your chance to get national publicity by meeting radio/TV producers and writers face-to-face via Zoom in Steve Harrison's...

National Publicity Summit
A series of online sessions between March 3-15, 2025

At the National Publicity Summit you'll have online meetings with writers, producers and podcasters.

FROM: Steve Harrison

When it comes to getting exposure for your book, product, service or cause, it really is who you know. As any good PR person will tell you, there's simply no substitute for having personal contacts at the shows, publications and online outlets that reach your audience.

Unfortunately, it's normally not easy to get busy writers, producers, and podcasters to return your phone calls, let alone take the time to meet with you.

That is, until now.

I've put together a unique event in which just 65 authors and experts like you can hear members of the media reveal the secrets of getting coverage in their publications (or shows), then meet with and pitch to them one-on-one to discuss the possibility of doing a story on you (or whatever it is you're promoting)... all without leaving the safety and comfort of your own home or office!

During my National Publicity Summit, a series of online sessions held between March 3 and March 15, 2025, you will be able to meet and pitch at least 75 professional media representatives from the comfort and safety of your home or office via Zoom. 

The event's online format brings the media right to you, giving you an unparalleled chance to get coverage in top outlets. But it will accommodate only 65 participants (to ensure everyone has enough one-on-one time with media), so if you're at all interested, you'll have to secure your spot quickly.

Previous Publicity Summit participants have been featured on or in such major media as:

Today Show...  ABC's The View... CBS News... Fast Company... Fox News... Psychology Today... Entrepreneur.... and many others

Don't feel ready to pitch major outlets? We also have smaller shows and publications represented, which can be great outlets for refining your interview-giving skills.

Where else can you get direct, unfiltered access to media gatekeepers and decision-makers so you can tell them exactly why their audiences need to know about you and what you do?

Click here to get all the details about my National Publicity Summit!

Steve Harrison
Director, National Publicity Summit